
2024 yil 6 sentyabr, "Indoneziya Gravection" gazetasi - "Indoneziya tortishish" bozori - mahsulot turi (Shaxsiy suv tozalash, sotish punkti, onlayn va Boshqalar) "Tadbirdmarkets.com-ning taklifiga qo'shildi. Indoneziyaning tortishish suvini tozalash bozori sezilarli o'sishni namoyon etmoqda va uni qadrlashi kutilmoqdaPT-1137-22023 yilgacha 17,2 million AQSh dollari. Joriy traektoriyani hisobga olgan holda, sanoat yaxshi o'sish istiqbollarini ko'rsatmoqda va 2032 yilga kelib 56 million AQSh dollariga o'sishi kutilmoqda. 2023-2032 yillarda yillik yillik o'sish sur'ati (CAGR) 14,0% ga yetishi kutilmoqda. This growing market trend highlights the critical shift towards sustainable water purification solutions across the country. The growth of the Indonesian market is supported by the country's demand for efficient and effective water purification methods. Gravity water purifiers use activated carbon and do not require electricity to operate, which offers many benefits such as cost-effectiveness, portability, and reduced energy consumption. Tighter regulations aimed at improving environmental sustainability are driving the shift towards these eco-friendly water purifiers. Significant improvement in living standards and rising disposable income have also increased consumer awareness and demand for convenient water purification solutions. A Market Driven by Demand and Innovation Poor water quality and contamination of drinking water resources are driving the demand for improved water purification solutions among Indonesian households. Additionally, government initiatives to reduce carbon emissions continue to enhance the dynamics of the gravity water purifier market. Ushbu tashabbuslar sohadagi texnologik innovatsiyalar bilan birgalikda bozorning o'sishi va rivojlanishini yanada kuchaytirishi kutilmoqda. In the distribution arena, multiple channels such as direct sales, brand stores, and online platforms ensure the availability of these important water purifiers to the society at large. Independent Analysis and Market Dynamics The report provides a detailed analysis of the Indonesia market dynamics and segmentation, focusing on product types and distribution channels. The findings offer a comprehensive overview of the drivers, potential challenges, and competitive landscape covering the prominent industry players working to grow the gravity water purifier market. The continued growth of the Indonesian gravity water purifier market is a testimony to the country's commitment to protecting health, the environment, and quality of life through sustainable means. With such growth and innovation, Indonesia is setting regional standards for the water treatment industry. Key attributes: About ResearchAndMarkets.comResearchAndMarkets.com is the world's leading source of international market research reports and market data. We provide you with the latest data on international and regional markets, key industries, leading companies, new products and the latest trends.

Yuborilgan vaqt: 2024 yil 12 dekabr